1. Knowledge Base
  2. Patient Communications

The Connections Page

To get to the Connections Page:

  • Click on Comms within the left-hand navigation menu
  • Select Connections from the submenu

There are four tabs: Scheduled, In Progress, Completed, and Not Connected


Scheduled will list campaigns (calls or texts) that are scheduled for that day. From this screen, you can cancel any scheduled campaign by clicking on the X icon. A window will appear asking you to confirm. Click Yes to cancel the campaign or click No to exit.

In Progress

In Progress will list campaigns that are currently being dialed out to patients. Once these campaigns are completed, they will move into the Completed tab.


Completed will list all campaigns that have been sent to your patients. This is the first screen that you will see upon logging in.

Not Connected

Not Connected will list campaigns that were unable to be successfully dialed out to patients. This could be because of an invalid phone number, a full voicemail box, etc.