How can we help you?

MTM Workflow, Best Practices, Guides & FAQs

For all Outcomes users. Guidance for pharmacists and technicians, offering instructions, worksheets, and answers to common pharmacy-related questions.
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Clinical Resources

For all Outcomes users. Guidance for pharmacists to support the delivery of MTM services.
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Pharmacy Administrator

For Outcomes Pharmacy Administrators. Guidance to navigate the Outcomes platform as an admin user.
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Advanced Clinical

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Learn more about eCare plans, clinical documentation, and managing medical billing claims.
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Active Patients

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Successfully manage key patient populations with the Active Patients dashboard.
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Patient Communications

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Patient Communications increases patient adherence, and loyalty.
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Med Sync

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. With this program, you can align patient prescriptions to a single date.
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For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Learn more about connecting to state registries, billing vaccines, and ensuring your patients are up-to-date.
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Pharmacy Calendar and Appointment Scheduler

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Our Pharmacy Calendar and Appointment Scheduler help take the stress out of clinical programs.
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Medicare Plan Reviews

For Outcomes Premium users only. Help your Medicare-eligible patients find the best plan for their prescriptions and financial priorities.
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Marketing Kits

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Marketing tools such as posters and social media posts to help your pharmacy promote the services we support.
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For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Information about Outcomes Collaborative Practice Agreement program.
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Premium Webinars

For Outcomes Premium subscribers. Sign up for a webinar related to Outcomes One premium features.
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For Outcomes Premium Subscribers. Uncover actionable insights from your pharmacy data.
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Premium Patient Profile

For Outcomes Premium Subscribers. When upgrading to Outcomes Premium, the patient profile is enriched with new features and pharmacy data.
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