
Alabama IIS Registration

Alabama (AL-ImmPRINT) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration

Step 1: Create an account with your State Registry

Complete this step if you do not currently have an account with your state Registry AL-ImmPRINT:

Step 2: Registration for ADPH Registration / Meaningful Use Promoting

  • Create a ADPH Security Portal with AL-ImmPRINT (Required for HL7 Reporting with this application, it will allow you to gain access to Meaningful Use/Promoting Interoperability)
    • When creating the account, please checkmark “Meaningful Use / Promoting interoperability” and complete the registration
    • Once the registration is complete, the following message will appear:
  • You will receive an email from with the email address you provided during registration. You will need to verify your email in order to gain access to “Meaningful Use / Promoting Interoperability.”
After primary contact gains access, please log back into the ADPH Security Portal.
  • ADPH Meaningful Use/Promoting Interoperability Portal User Guide Please follow the PDF (Pgs. 7-12)
  • If you need assistance with the registration, please reach out to AL-ImmPRINT – Meaningful Use Team:

Step 3: Send HL7 Interface Email Notification to ImmPRINT

Please insert your pharmacy information with the information: 

  • To:,
  • Cc:,
  • Subject: Intent to Consent to connect to AL HL7 | PrescribeWellness SMP
  • Body of Email:

Dear ImmPRINT, Site Location: (Insert Pharmacy Name)

NPI: (Insert Pharmacy NPI)

NCPDP: (Insert Pharmacy NCPDP)

Address: (Insert Pharmacy Address)

Transport: Vaccination Tool Our pharmacy would like to participate in data exchange with the State of AL-ImmPRINT using Outcomes SMP. Location has an ImmPRINT account as well as the Security Portal and has completed those steps for Data Exchange testing. Contact for the testing process for our location are the following:

Name: (Insert Primary Contact Name)

Title: (Insert Primary Contact Title)

Phone: (Insert Primary Contact Phone Number)

Email: (Insert Primary Contact Email Address)

Please cc:; on all communications to assist in this process for our pharmacy.

Step 4: AL-ImmPRINT Waiting Queue

After completing Steps 1-3, the location will be added to the AL-ImmPRINT Waiting Queue.

Step 5: Manual Reporting to ImmPRINT

While interface is being worked on Please continue to manually report immunizations to your state/local IIS portal.

Step 6: Confirmation from ImmPRINT to move into PILOT / Testing Phase

  • Follow the steps on how to register on ImmPRINT PILOT in order to see AL-ImmPRINT reports of the vaccines (in Testing). (If you have any questions about how to register, please reply and ask AL-immPRINT Representative)
  • Please ‘reply all’ to the email and provide two 30-minute time slots that the primary contact is available to schedule a “DEMO CALL” (Required)
  • AL-ImmPRINT will send out an email invite for the DEMO Call. The DEMO call will be schedule with the IIS Registry, the pharmacy, and an IIS Team Member from Outcomes.
  • Note: For the PILOT Credentials no action is required from the pharmacy. An IIS Team Member will set up the PILOT Credentials.

Step 7: Confirmation from ImmPRINT

Your location is ready for production. Schedule Production kick-off call with AL-ImmPRINT when the registry is ready to move your location into production.

a. Please ‘reply all’ to the email. Provide two 30-minute time slots the primary contact is available to schedule a “Production kick-off call” (Required)

b. AL-ImmPRINT will send out an email invite for the DEMO Call. The DEMO call will be schedule with the IIS Registry, the pharmacy, and an IIS Member from PrescribeWellness.

c. Note: For the PRODUCTION credentials no action is required from the pharmacy. An IIS Team Member will set up the PRODUCTION Credentials.

Step 8: Final Integration Steps

Once Outcomes receives the approval and production credentials from your state registry, Outcomes will send an email confirmation when your pharmacy location is approved to go live to report with your Vaccinations tool. If you have any questions, please email our support team at or call 1-877-237-0050.