
Arizona (ASIIS) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration

Step 1: Registration

  • Please complete the following:
    • ASIIS User enrollment”, listed as an attachment. Outcomes has pre-filled your EMR information.
    • "Interoperability Provider EHR and ASIIS Electronic Data Exchange Initial Interest Form”.
  • Please forward ASIIS User enrollment & Interoperability Provider EHR and ASIIS Electronic Data Exchange Initial Interest Form to
    • In the email, be sure to include your pharmacy name, pharmacy system, State, and contact information.

Step 2: Documenting in the Vaccinations Tool and Testing

  • ASIIS will provide testing credentials to move the pharmacy into active testing. These credentials will be shared with Outcomes to submit test messages on your pharmacy’s behalf.
  • Please note AISS requires active vaccinations for testing. Please document all administered immunizations in the Outcomes Vaccinations Tool as well as your state registry portal and continue making any necessary connections in the Vaccinations tool in a timely manner.

Step 3: Production

  • Once pharmacy messages have been reviewed by the State Registry and your pharmacy receives approval, you will receive a confirmation email from Outcomes that you are live in production with the Registry.