CMR Workflow

Best practice: Print a CMR worksheet to gather information and make your notes during the review. Download the worksheet from the Resources section or menu within CMR documentation. You may also print a copy of the DRAW tool to assist in identifying and resolving adherence barriers. 

(T) Indicates a task that may be completed by a technician

For CMRs delivered by phone, prior authorization may be required. If applicable, obtain the PA code PRIOR to beginning the CMR. 

Pre-work - Before your patient arrives

(Appx. 10 minutes)

  1. Within the Outcomes platform, use sig codes to update directions in the patient’s Medication List based on Rx History and your dispensing software
  2. Review the patient’s medications for potential drug therapy problems
    • Are there administration concerns? (inhalers, injections, etc.)
    • Interactions? High risk medications? Common side effects?
    • Cost-savings opportunities?
  3. Review any TIPs in the To Do section of the patient’s profile
  4. Note your concerns and questions to serve as talking points for the review

CMR Delivery - While Completing the Review With Your Patient:

(Appx. 20 minutes)

  1. Welcome the patient, and summarize what to expect from the review
  2. Review each medication (Even if you don’t fill that medication at your pharmacy)
    • Purpose, directions and administration
    • Side effects/other concerns
  3. Address questions and concerns, both yours and the patient’s (your notes from pre-work)
    • Disease state-related questions
    • Adherence barriers or administration
    • Potential drug therapy problems
  4. Summarize the discussion, and thank the patient
    • Highlight important points and restate actions and steps to resolve identified concerns.
    • Remind him/her you will provide a medication list and action plan in followup
    • Discuss how to safely dispose of unused prescription medications
    • Confirm address and phone number for the PatientTakeaway.

Documentation - After Your Patient Leaves

(Appx. 10 minutes)

Use patient-friendly language throughout documentation, as the information you enter populates the Patient Takeaway. 

  1. Update the patient’s Health Profile and Medication List (T) 
    • For directions, include dose, dosage form, strength, route of administration and frequency.
    • When adding an over-the-counter medication not prescribed, enter “self” as prescriber.
  2. Complete the Action Plan (T)
    • Be specific in the problem and the patient’s action for the MedicationActionPlan(MAP)
  3. Start claims for the TIPs and/or additional interventions addressed (as aVailable for the patient) (T)
  4. Have the pharmacist review all information; print and deliver the Patient Takeaway (T)
  5. Submit your claim (T)

You can download a copy of this workflow here.