Comfort Campaign/Meds In Stock

Hi, this is [name], your pharmacist here at [pharmacy name]. We understand that many of our community members feel unsettled during these uncertain times. We want you to rest assured that our pharmacy is well-stocked on all of our medications and we are regularly ordering all needed supplies. If you have any questions or concerns about your medications or any other health needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. It is important for us to be able to rely on each other. You can call us at [phone number]. Thank you.

Hi this is [pharmacy name]. We want you to rest assured that we have our regular stock of medications available and have not experienced any supply issues for prescription medications. Our team is here to serve the community. Questions? Call us at [phone number].

Hola, soy [nombre], farmacéutico de [farmacia]. Entendemos que muchos de nuestros miembros de la comunidad se sienten inquietos durante estos tiempos inciertos. Queremos que tenga la seguridad de que nuestra farmacia está bien equipada con todos nuestros medicamentos y estamos ordenando regularmente todos los suministros necesarios. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud sobre sus medicamentos o cualquier otra necesidad de salud, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros. Es importante para nosotros poder confiar el uno en el otro. Puede llamarnos al [número de teléfono]. ¡Gracias!