COVID-19 Vaccine First Dose

Voice (Machine Answer):
Hi, this is [pharmacist name], calling from [pharmacy name]. We hope you are staying safe and healthy. We will have the COVID-19 vaccine at the pharmacy. To learn more about the vaccine, please give us a call at [phone number]. Thanks, and have a great day!

Spanish (Machine Answer - Contestador):

Hola, soy [nombre], llamando de [farmacia]. Esperamos que se quede seguro y saludable. Tendremos la vacuna contra el COVID-19 en la farmacia. Para aprender más información sobre la vacuna, llámenos al [número de teléfono]. Gracias, ¡y que tenga un gran día!

If appointment is required:

Hi, this is [pharmacist name], calling from [pharmacy name]. We hope you are staying safe and healthy. We will have the COVID-19 vaccine at the pharmacy. To learn more about the vaccine and schedule an appointment, please give us a call at [phone number]. Thanks, and have a great day!


Hola, soy [nombre], llamando de [farmacia]. Esperamos que se quede seguro y saludable. Tendremos la vacuna contra el COVID-19 en la farmacia. Para aprender más información sobre la vacuna y hacer una cita, llámenos al [número de teléfono]. Gracias, ¡y que tenga un gran día!

Voice (Live Answer):

Hi, this is [pharmacist name], calling from [pharmacy name]. We hope you are staying safe and healthy. We will have the COVID-19 vaccine at the pharmacy. To learn more about the vaccine, please press 1. Thanks, and have a great day!

Spanish (Live Answer - Vivo):

Hola, soy [nombre], llamando de [farmacia]. Esperamos que se quede seguro y saludable. Tendremos la vacuna contra el COVID-19 en la farmacia. Para aprender más información sobre la vacuna, presione 1. Gracias, ¡y que tenga un gran día!

Hi, [pharmacy name] here. We will have the COVID-19 vaccine @ the pharmacy. For questions about the vaccine, please call [phone number]. Thanks!

If appointment is required:
Hi, [pharmacy name] here. We will have the COVID-19 vaccine @ the pharmacy. For questions about the vaccine or appointments, please call [phone number]. Thanks!