CPA for POC Services - FAQs

This article provides frequently asked questions about the collaborative practice agreement for point of care services.

What is our CPA for Point-of-Care (POC) services?

Our Collaborative Practice Agreement (CPA) for Point-of-Care (POC) services allows our pharmacists to treat Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis (Strep), Influenza (Flu), and Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) based on a positive diagnostic test result (Point-of-Care test). Based on clinical and CPA guidelines, this agreement allows the pharmacist to furnish and dispense appropriate antibiotic or antiviral therapy. The CPA covers licensed pharmacists to provide these services – no other healthcare providers are covered under this CPA.

What does our CPA for Point-of-Care (POC) services do?

  • Outcomes handles all of the physician relations, contracting, and protocol updates so that the pharmacy can focus on patient care. With a Point-of-Care CPA, community pharmacies can:
    • Test for Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis, Influenza, and UTI
    • Furnish appropriate medications upon positive diagnostic test results*

*Must follow the order of preferred treatment agents per guidelines listed in the protocol.

What states have the POC CPA available?
California (CA) and Florida (FL). Additionally, the Kentucky (KY) Enhanced Services CPA includes POC. 

What does it cover?

Testing for Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis, Influenza, and UTI, and dispensing appropriate medications upon positive diagnostic test results.

Which providers are covered under the POC CPA?
The CPA only covers licensed pharmacists; no other healthcare providers are covered under the CPA.

What's my next step if the patient tests positive?

Furnish appropriate medications upon positive diagnostic test results.

How much does the CPA cost?

For more information, please contact Outcomes customer service.