
How to register your pharmacy with the Delaware (DelVAX) Registry

Step 1: Register with DelVAX

Complete the DelVAX Facility Code Request Form HEREUse the following screenshot as an example: 

Step 2: Email Confirmation

Email the pharmacy details and confirmation that you have completed the DelVAX enrollment to the IIS team at with the following subject line: <Pharmacy Name>/ Vaccinations Tool/ DelVAX Enrollment Completed

      Step 3: Document Vaccinations in DelVAX and Outcomes 

      Please continue to report immunizations to DelVAX and update any tasks in the Outcomes platform while our team works on the connection to the state registry.

      Step 4: DelVAX Requires a Testing Phase

      The IIS team at Outcomes will assist in the Live Testing based on your documented, administered vaccines. DelVAX registry requires a minimum of 2 weeks of testing. Please document all administered immunizations in your pharmacy management system and make sure to update any tasks in the Outcomes portal. Testing requires 100% error-free messages.

      Step 5: Final Steps

      Outcomes will notify the pharmacy with a confirmation email once the pharmacy has passed testing and has been approved for Production and is live to report to DelVAX registry through Outcomes.