Enrolling a Patient in Med Time Reminders

Med Time Reminders are text messages sent to your patients at the times they need to take their medications.

To enroll a patient in Med Time Reminders:

1) Open the patient profile.

2) Click on the Medications tab.

3) Select the checkbox next to the medication(s) you would like to send Med Time Reminders for.

4) Click the Actions button and select Med Time Reminder from the drop-down menu.

5) A window will appear. Verify that all the medications are listed. If you need to add more medications, use the Search for a drug… field.

6) Click Next.

7) Set the time to send the reminder. If the medication is to be taken multiple times per day, click + Add an Additional Time.

8) Select the occurrence (Every day, or specific days).

9) Select the day that you would like for the Med Time Reminders to stop being sent.

10) Click Save.