General COVID Message Campaign Script

Hi, this is [first name], your pharmacist here at [pharmacy name]. Many patients have been asking about the coronavirus. During this time, I'm encouraging our community to be proactive and take precautionary measures. [Insert information about medications, home delivery, drive-thrus, or front-end supplies.] If you have questions or concerns about the coronavirus, please give us a call at [phone number]. Thank you!

Hi, this is [pharmacy name]. During this time, we're encouraging our community to be proactive & take precautionary measures. [Insert information about medications, home delivery, drive-thrus, or front-end supplies.] Questions? Please call [phone number]. Thanks! Reply STOP to opt out. Msg+Data rates may apply.

Hola, soy [nombre], farmacéutico de [farmacia]. Muchos pacientes han estado preguntando sobre el coronavirus. Durante este tiempo, estoy animando a nuestra comunidad a ser proactiva y tomar medidas de precaución. [Inserte información sobre medicamentos, entrega a domicilio, drive-thrus, o suministros disponibles.] Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes sobre el coronavirus, llámenos al [número de teléfono]. ¡Gracias!