
How to register your pharmacy with the Georgia (GRITS) Registry

Step 1: Registration

For pharmacies not yet enrolled with GRITS, please follow the below Online Enrollment Steps:

  • Navigate to the GRITS Homepage
  • Click Register Now on the bottom right, then properly fill out the enrollment (see below). When complete, click Save.


Step 2: Email confirmation of enrollment to our team

If your pharmacy is already enrolled with GRITS or completed the online enrollment above,

  • Please email your pharmacy’s GRITS ORG CODE* at: with the following subject line: [Pharmacy Name] / SMP / GRITS Enrollment Completed
    • The body of the email can include the pharmacy details and confirmation you have completed the GRITS enrollment steps above.

*The GRITS Org Code is an alphanumerical code (4-6 characters) that looks like a short version of your pharmacy’s name: (ex: BETSP).

    Step 3: Documenting in the Vaccinations tool and Data Testing Stage

    • Please document all administered immunizations in the Outcomes Vaccinations tool.
    • At this time, our team will work with the GRITS registry to set up your pharmacy’s credentials and connection feed.
    • Our team will set up the credentials provided by GRITS to start their data testing stage and process.

    Step 4: Final Steps

    Outcomes will notify you with a confirmation email once your pharmacy has passed testing and has been approved for production and is live to report to the GRITS registry with the Vaccinations tool.