
Idaho (ID-IRIS) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration 

Step 1: Complete the ID-IRIS Registration

If the pharmacy does not have an ID-IRIS account, please register using the following link: Request an IRIS Account

Step 2: Complete the IRIS Data Exchange Provider Questionnaire

Use the link to complete the IRIS Data Exchange Provider Questionnaire

Step 3: Email Copy of IRIS Data Exchange Provider Questionnaire to PrescribeWellness

Attach and email a copy of the ID-IRIS Data Exchange Questionnaire to with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name/ Vaccinations/ Attached ID-IRIS Data Exchange Questionnaire.

Step 4: Document Vaccinations in IRIS and in Outcomes Vaccines 

Document vaccines on the IRIS website AND update any tasks in the Outcomes platform

    Step 5: ID-IRIS Requires a Testing Phase

    The IIS team at Outcomes will assist in the Live Testing based on your documented, administered vaccines. Please continue to report immunizations on the ID-IRIS registry website and update any tasks in your Outcomes portal while our team works on the connection to the state registry. Testing requires 100% error-free messages.

    Step 6: Final Steps

    The IIS team will notify the pharmacy with a confirmation email once the pharmacy has been Approved for Production and is live to report to IRIS registry