IIS Reporting

Register and create an account with your state IIS

*Only register if the pharmacy does not have an account with your state IIS

The pharmacy will first need to have an account registered with your state IIS before Outcomes can proceed forward with your HL7 IIS Reporting. Once your pharmacy has an account with your state IIS, please move to the next step below.

Complete pre-requisites for HL7 IIS Enrollment Steps

Your state IIS has HL7 Enrollment pre-requisites for IIS Reporting before the pharmacy moves into the waiting queue or testing phase with your state IIS.

State’s IIS Waiting Queue

After the HL7 Enrollment pre-requisites have been submitted to Outcomes. A Pharmacy Integration Manager will confirm the HL7 Enrollment pre-requisites are completed, and the pharmacy will be moved into the state’s IIS Waiting Queue. (State IIS will approve when pharmacy is removed from the waiting queue & into testing.)

IIS Reporting Integration Testing Phase

A Pharmacy Integration Manager will notify the primary contact when the state IIS has approved the pharmacy location to move into testing. During this time, the pharmacy will need to manually document in the Vaccination tool AND directly to the state IIS. Each state IIS has its own testing time frame. The state IIS will be the one to approve when the location goes live to report within the Vaccination tool.

IIS Integration Approved and live report with the Vaccination Tool

After the state IIS approves the pharmacy to go live to report with the Vaccination tool. The pharmacy will receive an email subject line: Outcomes Integration Connection Complete Reporting to <State IIS> with the Vaccinations Tool.”

This email will confirm the pharmacy is set up and live to report with Vaccination Tool to your state IIS.

After initial integration, when administered fields are completed, Vaccinations will send vaccination records to your state’s IIS on a nightly basis. The system will match any vaccinations that you have Administered in Vaccinations with corresponding vaccine records in your pharmacy management system.

Additionally, whenever you open a patient vaccinations profile, Vaccinations will pull any records from your state’s IIS (if applicable by your state IIS) and display them in the Vaccine History section.

Once you complete all required Administer fields….

Once the required fields are completed, Vaccinations automatically submits the vaccine activity to your state IIS (if you have a matching vaccine in your pharmacy management system).

If you dispense a vaccine from your pharmacy management system, but do not complete all required Administer fields vaccinations will not submit a record to your state IIS.