
Illinois (IL-ICARE) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration  

Step 1: Enrollment

ICARE requires the following agreements to be submitted together electronically HERE:

  • Please complete the ICARE Enrollment Packet and the ICARE PRA Agreement
  • If you plan on meeting the Meaningful Use Requirements, please enter that in the Purpose for Registration field. All documents needed will be listed at the very end.

Step 2: Confirmation Email

  • Please send a confirmation email to once you've submitted your agreements electronically to ICARE with the following subject: Vaccinations/ Pharmacy Name / Confirmation ICARE Enrollment Submitted
  • This will put your pharmacy into ICARE's waiting queue

Step 3: Documenting Immunizations

  • Please document all administered immunizations in the Outcomes Vaccinations Tool as well as in your state registry portal

Step 4: Confirmation

  • ICARE will send out a formal email confirmation once your account has been processed
    • Example: Congratulations! You have been approved to use our new ICARE (Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange) application
  • Please follow the attached login procedures to log into ICARE at, with the Username xxxxxxxx (all lowercase letters)
  • Once your pharmacy receives this confirmation, please send an email to with the following subject line: Vaccinations/ Pharmacy Name / Approval Application

Step 5: Verification and Complete Integration

Once Outcomes receives your confirmation email:

  • Outcomes will work with IL-CARE on your interface connection
  • Outcomes will send you a final email when your integration is complete