
Iowa (IRIS) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration

Step 1: Registration Forms

Please fill out the below forms with your pharmacy's information as well as with the contact details of your best point of contact. Details regarding Outcomes SMP as Vendor have been prefilled.

Step 2: Email Confirmation of Enrollment to PrescribeWellness

  • Please email PrescribeWellness at with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name/SMP/Iowa-IRIS Enrollment Completed
  • The body of the email should include your pharmacy details and confirmation that you have completed the IRIS enrollment steps above.

Step 3: Documenting in the Vaccinations tool and Data Testing Stage

  • Please document all administered immunizations in the Outcomes Vaccinations Tool and continue to MANUALLY report vaccines to IRIS, a required mandate for reporting.
  • At this time, Outcomes will work with IRIS to set up your pharmacy’s credentials and connection feed 
  • Outcomes will set up the credentials provided by IRIS to start your data testing stage and process

Step 4: Final Steps

  • Outcomes will notify your pharmacy with a confirmation email once you've passed testing, are approved for Production, and are live to report to IRIS with your Vaccinations tool.