
How to register your pharmacy with the Kansas (KS-WebIZ) Registry

Step 1: Create an account with your state registry

Complete this step if you do not currently have a KS-WebIZ account:

Request a user account HERE.

    Step 2: Send an email to KS-WebIZ for HL7 Forms

    Send an email to kdhe.IMMOnboarding@ks.gov requesting an onboarding invitation from Immunization Onboarding:

      To: kdhe.IMMOnboarding@ks.gov

      Cc: iisforms@prescribewellness.com

      Subject: [Pharmacy Name] Requesting Onboarding information/EHR Vendor Outcomes SMP

      Body of Email:

      Hi KS-WebIZ,

      [Pharmacy Name] is requesting an onboarding invitation from Immunization Onboarding.

      Our pharmacy is ready to proceed with HL7 Data Exchange with our EHR Outcomes SMP.

      We’ve cc’d Outcomes SMP on this email iisforms@prescribewellness.com.

      2. The Kansas Registry will send an email back to your pharmacy with the forms.

      Step 3: Fill out the onboarding enrollment forms

      1. New Pharmacy Screening Form
      2. Site Enrollment Agreement
      3. HL7 User Security Agreement
      4. Provider Spreadsheet

      Step 4: Email the forms to PrescribeWellness

      Please email your completed forms to iisforms@prescribewellness.com with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / Vaccinations Tool / Attached 4 KS Agreements

      Step 5: Complete the questionnaire

      Click HERE to complete.

      Information for the Questionaire:

      • EHR Name Company: PrescribeWellness / SMP

      • EHR Production: PrescribeWellness / SMP

      • EHR Contact Name: Katheryn Hernandez

      • EHR Contact Email Address: khernandez@prescribewellness.com

      • Will you be submitting immunization data to WebiZ via HL7 (VXUS): Yes

      • If you already have a connection to KSWebIZ with your old HER, will you still have access to that HER once you go live with the new software? No

      • Will you be submitting immunizations through KHIN, LACIE, or direct SOAP Connection? Direct SOAP Connection

      • Will you be submitting your data through a hub? A hub is a 3rd-party non EHR system that receives your data, constructs an HL7 message and passes it along to WebIZ. Yes

      • Will you be querying data via HL7 (QBP’s) Yes

      Please send a confirmation email to iisforms@prescribewellness.com with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / Vaccinations Tool / KS HL7 Questionnaire Complete

      Step 6: KS-WebIZ Waiting Queue

      After you've completed steps 1-3, your pharmacy will be listed on the KS-WebIZ Waiting Queue.A pharmacy integration manager will reach out to you when KS-WebIZ moves your location into the testing phase.

      Step 7: Reporting to KS-WebIZ

      • Please continue to report immunizations to KS-WebIZ and in the Vaccinations tool while PrescribeWellness works on your pharmacy’s integration.
      • If you need training on the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations tool, please visit PrescribeWellness Success Center and register for a live workshop.

      Step 8: Final Integration Steps

      PrescribeWellness will send you an email confirmation when your pharmacy location has been approved to go live to report to KS-WebIZ with your Vaccinations tool.