How to register your pharmacy with the Kansas (KS-WebIZ) Registry
Step 1: Create an account with your state registry
Complete this step if you do not currently have a KS-WebIZ account:
Request a user account HERE.
Step 2: Send an email to KS-WebIZ for HL7 Forms
Send an email to requesting an onboarding invitation from Immunization Onboarding:
Subject: [Pharmacy Name] Requesting Onboarding information/EHR Vendor Outcomes SMP
Body of Email:
Hi KS-WebIZ,
[Pharmacy Name] is requesting an onboarding invitation from Immunization Onboarding.
Our pharmacy is ready to proceed with HL7 Data Exchange with our EHR Outcomes SMP.
We’ve cc’d Outcomes SMP on this email
2. The Kansas Registry will send an email back to your pharmacy with the forms.
Step 3: Fill out the onboarding enrollment forms
- New Pharmacy Screening Form
- Site Enrollment Agreement
- HL7 User Security Agreement
- Provider Spreadsheet
Step 4: Email the forms to PrescribeWellness
Please email your completed forms to with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / Vaccinations Tool / Attached 4 KS Agreements
Step 5: Complete the questionnaire
Click HERE to complete.
Information for the Questionaire:
EHR Name Company: PrescribeWellness / SMP
EHR Production: PrescribeWellness / SMP
EHR Contact Name: Katheryn Hernandez
EHR Contact Email Address:
Will you be submitting immunization data to WebiZ via HL7 (VXUS): Yes
If you already have a connection to KSWebIZ with your old HER, will you still have access to that HER once you go live with the new software? No
Will you be submitting immunizations through KHIN, LACIE, or direct SOAP Connection? Direct SOAP Connection
Will you be submitting your data through a hub? A hub is a 3rd-party non EHR system that receives your data, constructs an HL7 message and passes it along to WebIZ. Yes
Will you be querying data via HL7 (QBP’s) Yes
Please send a confirmation email to with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / Vaccinations Tool / KS HL7 Questionnaire Complete
Step 6: KS-WebIZ Waiting Queue
After you've completed steps 1-3, your pharmacy will be listed on the KS-WebIZ Waiting Queue.A pharmacy integration manager will reach out to you when KS-WebIZ moves your location into the testing phase.
Step 7: Reporting to KS-WebIZ
- Please continue to report immunizations to KS-WebIZ and in the Vaccinations tool while PrescribeWellness works on your pharmacy’s integration.
- If you need training on the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations tool, please visit PrescribeWellness Success Center and register for a live workshop.
Step 8: Final Integration Steps
PrescribeWellness will send you an email confirmation when your pharmacy location has been approved to go live to report to KS-WebIZ with your Vaccinations tool.