
How to register your pharmacy with the Louisiana (LA-LINKS) Registry

Step 1: Complete the LA-LINKS Enrollment Forms

Step 2: Send a copy of the completed LA-LINKS Enrollment forms to Outcomes

  • Please send a copy of enrollment documents to iisforms@prescribewellness.com with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / VaccineComplete / LA-LINKS Enrollment Forms Attached

Step 3: Document vaccines in your Patient Engagement Center

Please continue to manually report immunizations to your state/local IIS portal AND your Vaccinations tool in Outcomes. If you need training on the Outcomes VaccineComplete tool, please register for a live webinar HERE.

Please note that LA-LINKS requires your pharmacy to enter the COVID-19 Lot Numbers on the LINKS website before billing the vaccines in your pharmacy software. This is for vaccine inventory decrementing.

    Step 4: Testing

    Outcomes will assist in the Testing phase based on your documented, administered vaccines. Please document all administered immunizations in Outcomes and make sure any corrections are made on a timely basis. Testing does require 100% error-free messages.

    Step 5: Production

    When your pharmacy is approved to Go Live with the Registry for automated reporting, the Outcomes team will send you an email to confirm. Once your pharmacy is in production, you will no longer need to report vaccines on your state registry website manually.