
How to register your pharmacy with the Missouri (MO-ShowMeVax) Registry

Step 1: Complete the ShowMeVax Registry Enrollment

1. Complete the Red Cap Survey:

    • Common Questions:
      • My organization has facilities in which immunizations are administered: True
      • My organization's software supports SOAP Web Services using the CDC WSDL: True
      • My organization's software meets the requirements of the ShowMeVax Implementation Guide for HL7 2.5.1 Immunization Messaging: True
      • My organization has already, or is now, declaring its intent to electronically submit and/or receive immunization records, histories and forecasts to ShowMeVax via HL7 messaging: True
      • My organization's readiness to exchange immunization data via HL7 will be demonstrated through the submission of the below prescribed scenarios: True

    2. Complete the MOA

    3. Once enrollment is complete, please send the MOA along with a confirmation email to iisforms@prescribewellness.com. Please include: Pharmacy Name / Pharmacy System/ State/ Contact information in the email body.

        Step 2: Document Vaccines in Outcomes

        Please document all administered immunizations in Outcomes.

        Step 3: Production

        When your pharmacy is approved to Go Live with the Registry for automated reporting, the Outcomes team will send you an email to confirm. Once your pharmacy is in production, you will no longer need to report vaccines on your state registry website manually.