MTM for Pharmacy Technicians

Technicians play a key role in the delivery of MTM services by providing guidance and support to the pharmacy team and helping to engage the patient on a personal level. Student interns may also assist with your MTM program by registering at the technician level. Upon graduation and licensing, former students should call Outcomes to update their profiles to pharmacist level.

Get started

After creating your individual profile, complete the short, free training at to orient you to our program and platform. Then request access to your pharmacy or practice site (MTM Center). Once your link is approved, you can submit claims on behalf of any trained pharmacist affiliated with your MTM Center’s profile.

Performing MTM services

Technicians can complete select interventions on their own, as long as they are under the supervision of an onsite MTM-trained, licensed pharmacist. These TIPs can be completed independently by a pharmacy technician under their individual Outcomes platform profile after completing Outcomes user training:

  • Needs Refill TIP
  • Needs Medication Synchronization TIP
  • Needs Medication Synchronization Follow-up TIP
  • Needs Patient Education - CMR Referral TIP
  • Adherence- Needs 90-day Fill TIP
  • Adherence- Needs 100-day Fill TIP
  • Social Determinants of Health Assessment TIP
  • Needs Patient Education – Medicaid Redetermination TIP

You can quickly identify these opportunities by looking for the ‘Tech’ badge icon next to the TIP on the Dashboard and within the Patient Profile. You can also utilize the technician Filter embedded within the side menu to narrow your queue to view only patients with one or more of these technician-eligible opportunities.

The pharmacist supervising the technician must be documented within MTM claim submission. The pharmacist should be available for any clinical questions or concerns the patient may have.

Identify MTM-eligible patients

Familiarize yourself with the health plans in your area that participate with Outcomes. If a patient from one of these plans comes into the pharmacy, you can enter the patient’s last name in the patient search box on your Outcomes Dashboard. If a covered service was initiated, start a claim under the patient’s profile.

Review your pharmacy’s queue of patients who are due to pick up a medication. If the patient has a pending TIP, add a note to the bag as a reminder for the pharmacist to discuss this issue with the patient.

If the patient is targeted for a Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR), you may contact the patient in advance to coordinate the pick-up time with pharmacist availability to deliver the CMR.

Alert pharmacists to billable services

  • Review your pharmacy’s MTM Opportunities queue regularly to ensure pharmacists respond to all TIPs as well as CMR opportunities.

Distribute and monitor communications

  • Connect pharmacists with patients or prescribers for service delivery.
  • Generate and send prescriber communications.
    • Use your pharmacy’s fax form or the Prescriber Fax tool from the patient’s Outcomes platform profile.
  • Monitor responses from prescribers and patients.
  • Follow up with additional communications as necessary until a response is received.
  • Watch for Review & Resubmit claims that may require edits or additional notes.

Document MTM claims

Technicians can document any type of MTM claim—including TIPs, CMRs and pharmacist-identified interventions—on behalf of a pharmacist. When documenting a claim, simply choose the pharmacist who provided the service and continue with claim submission.

Comprehensive Medication Review (CMR)

CMRs are documented differently than other MTM claims. As a pharmacy technician, you can assist pharmacists in many aspects of this service.

  • Offer and schedule the CMR service. o Use the Outcomes platform to determine a patient in need of a CMR.
    • Identify the date of the patient’s next refill, as it maybe a convenient appointment time for the patient.
    • Call the patient in advance to offer the service and schedule an appointment.
  • Collect a complete medication list from the patient (OTCs, herbals and prescription medications). Document these medications on the patient’s Medication List or on the CMR Worksheet, which can be found in Resources.
  • Note new medications and pending TIPs for the pharmacist to address during the appointment.
  • Upon completion of the CMR, assist with updating the Medication List and Action Plan and/or generating the Patient Takeaway and delivering it to the patient.
  • Schedule follow-up appointments as needed for additional interventions identified during the CMR, and remind pharmacists when it is time to follow up with patients or prescriber.