Navigating the Patient Immunizations Profile

The immunizations in the patient profile identifies Opportunities based on your patient's vaccine history and eligibility according to CDC age guidelines. Immunization records are updated on a nightly basis. The profile also displays your patient's Vaccine History.

Vaccine Opportunities

  • VACCINE displays the vaccine name
  • INFO DOC allows you to view and print the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) form
  • ADMINISTER allows you to record information once you administer the vaccine

Vaccine History

  • VACCINE displays the vaccine name
  • INFO DOC allows you to view and print the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) form
  • DATE indicates when vaccination was administered/reported
  • SOURCE indicates who recorded the vaccine
  • STATE IIS STATUS indicates reporting status
    • Administered - immediate status once you save record
    • Accepted/Rejected - accepted/rejected by state’s IIS
    • Pending Integration - Vaccinations isn’t integrated with your state’s IIS
    • Pending Administration - vaccine dispensed, but you haven’t filled out Administer fields
    • Reported - record pulled from state’s IIS