How to enroll your pharmacy with the Nevada (NV-WebIZ) Registry
Step 1: Registration
Please complete the following forms:
Step 2: Confirmation Email
Once complete, please send a copy of the NV-WebIZ Enrollment Form and the HL7 Application to with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / VaccineComplete / Attached NV-WebIZ Enrollment Form and HL7 Application. PrescribeWellness will then reach out to NV-WebIZ.
At that point, NV-WebIZ will provide your pharmacy with a DSA form. Please complete the DSA and send it to with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name / Vaccinations / Attached NV DSA.
Step 3: Document Immunizations
- Please continue to report immunizations to NV-WebIZ and in the Vaccinations tool while Outcomes works on your pharmacy’s integration.
Step 4: Final Integration Steps
Once Outcomes receives your pharmacy's completed DSA, we will begin working with the registry on your interface connection. Outcomes will send you an email confirmation when your pharmacy location has been approved to go live to report to NV-WebIZ.