New York City

New York City (CIR) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration

Step 1: Please complete New York City - CIR Enrollment Forms Attached to this Document

Complete the CIR Health Care Provider Confidentiality Statement and fill out all information pertaining to your pharmacy, including the best contact for the pharmacy.

    Step 2: Email Confirmation of Enrollment to PrescribeWellness

    Attach and email the enrollment forms to with the following subject
    line: Pharmacy Name/ Vaccinations/ CIR Enrollment Completed

    The body of the email can include the pharmacy details and confirmation you have completed the CIR enrollment steps.

    Step 3: Document Vaccines in the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations Tool

    Document vaccines in the Vaccination tool in Outcomes.

    Step 4: NYC-CIR Requires a Testing Phase

    Outcomes will assist in the Live Testing based on your documented, administered vaccines. CIR registry requires a minimum of 2 weeks of testing. Please document all administered immunizations in your Patient Engagement Center and make sure any corrections are made in a timely basis. Testing requires 100% error-free messages.

    Step 5: Final Steps

    Outcomes will notify the pharmacy with a confirmation email once the pharmacy has been Approved for Production and is live to report to CIR registry with the Vaccinations tool.