
How to enroll your pharmacy with the Oregon (OR-ALERTIIS) Registry

Step 1: Enrollment

  • If your pharmacy has an OR ALERT Identifier, please send it in an email to iisforms@prescribewellness with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name | Tool | Attached OR Alert identifier.
  • If you cannot remember your pharmacy's OR ALERT Identifier, please contact ALERT IIS to obtain it:
  • New Accounts Needed? Please create your account HERE.
  • Note: All individual users who will be utilizing the ALERT IIS must read and sign the Individual User Agreement
    • If the requestor’s organization has an ALERT IIS SuperUser, this form should be kept on file with the SuperUser who will create the user account (The ALERT IIS staff may request access to the form for audit purposes at any time).
    • If the requestor’s organization does not have a SuperUser, this form should be submitted to the ALERT Help Desk at alertiis@state.or.us.

    Step 2: Document Immunizations

    • Please continue to report immunizations to OR-ALERTIIS and in the Vaccinations tool while PrescribeWellness works on your pharmacy’s integration.
    • If you need training on the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations tool, please visit PrescribeWellness Success Center and register for a live workshop.

    Step 3: Final Integration Steps

    Oregon Status Check

    • The Oregon Registry will provide PrescribeWellness with testing credentials
    • Once credentials are received, your pharmacy will go into Active testing
    • OR-ALERTIIS will review the most recent vaccines and check to see that all required information has been submitted properly
    • After approval, OR-ALERTIIS will send you an email to confirm that your pharmacy is ready for Production.