
How to register your pharmacy with the Pennsylvania (PA-SIIS) Registry

Step 1: Create an account with your state registry

Complete this step if you do not currently have a PA-SIIS account:

  • To use PA-SIIS, you must register your facility with our Immunization Registry. Complete Request to Create a Clinic in PA-SIIS.
    • NOTE: If you are applying to participate in one of Pennsylvania’s Vaccination Programs (including COVID-19), you do not need to complete this form. Your facility will be assigned a Clinic ID as part of the enrollment process.
  • Return the form directly to PA-SIIS.

COVID-19 Application:

PA-SIIS User Access

    HL7 Integration Steps

    Step 2: Complete Forms

    Step 3: PA-SIIS Waiting Queue

    Completing steps 1 and 2 will put your location on the PA-SIIS Waiting Queue.

    Step 4: Reporting to PA-SIIS

    • Please continue to report immunizations to PA-SIIS and in the Vaccinations tool while PrescribeWellness works on your pharmacy’s integration.
    • If you need training on the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations tool, please visit PrescribeWellness Success Center and register for a live workshop.

    Step 5: Final Integration Steps

    PrescribeWellness will send you an email confirmation when your pharmacy location has been approved to go live to report to PA-SIIS with your Vaccinations tool.