Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico (PR-PRIR) Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration

Step 1: Complete the Authorization form for Data Exchange & Onboarding Questionnaire
Complete the Authorization form for Data Exchange and submit to PrescribeWellness at iisforms@prescribewellness.com

Step 2: Integration in Progress
Once forms have been submitted, the Puerto Rico registry will contact PrescribeWellness to move forward with integration and also inform the pharmacy of next steps or actions needed thereafter.

    Step 3: Document Immunizations manually to PR-PRIR and in the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations Tool:
    Please continue to report immunizations to PR-PRIR and in the Vaccinations tool while PrescribeWellness is working on the pharmacy’s integration PRIR User Confidentiality and Security Agreement.

    If you need training on the PrescribeWellness Vaccination Tool, please visit PrescribeWellness Success Center and register for a live webinar.

      Step 3: Final Registration Steps:
      Once ready, PR will provide PrescribeWellness with production credentials. Once the credentials are received, the pharmacy will move into Production.