Senior Hours at Pharmacy

Hi, this is [first name], your pharmacist here at [pharmacy name]. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, our pharmacy will be offering senior-only patient care hours. This reserved time will be available from [times] for anyone aged 65 and above. If you have any questions, please call us at [pharmacy phone number]. Thank you, and have a good day.

Hi, this is [pharmacy name]. Our pharmacy will be offering senior-only patient care hours. This reserved time will be available from [times] for anyone aged 65 and above. Call us at [pharmacy phone number] with any questions. Thank you.

Hola, soy [nombre], farmacéutico de [farmacia]. Debido a la pandemia de coronavirus, nuestra farmacia ofrecerá horas de atención especial solo para pacientes mayores. Este tiempo reservado estará disponible de [hora] a [hora] para cualquier persona mayor de 65 años. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llámenos al [número de teléfono]. Gracias, ¡y que tenga un gran día!