TN-TennIIS Registry Enrollment / HL7 Integration
Step 1: Send an email to
Include the following information:
- Pharmacy Name
- Pharmacy NPI
- Primary Contact Name
- Primary Email
- State registry: TN-TennIIS
Step 2: Complete the TennIIS Enrollment Online Survey
- Within 2-7 business days, TennIIS will send you an email titled “Interest in becoming an
Electronic Trading Partner”- Make sure to add to your contact list to ensure emails do not go to
your spam/junk mail
- Make sure to add to your contact list to ensure emails do not go to
- In the email body, click on the hyperlink titled "TennIIS HL7 Electronic Data Exchange Onboarding" to begin your enrollment
- You will be prompted to complete the Organization and Facility Information Forms
- Please enter the EHR Vendor Information as listed below:
- Point of Contact: Nour Hamed
- Contact Email:
Step 3: Complete the Trading Partner Agreement
- You will receive an email from the TennIIS Onboarding Team ( prompting you to complete the Trading Partner Agreement
- Click on the hyperlink listed in the email to complete the Agreement
*Please note that these forms are required to be completed even if you are already enrolled with TennIIS - these forms are specific to the electronic connection.
Step 4: Document Vaccines in TennIIS and Outcomes Platform
Please continue to manually report immunizations to your state/local IIS portal AND update any tasks in Outcomes while our team works on the connection to the state registry
Step 5: TN-TennIIS Requires a Testing Phase
The Outcomes IIS team will assist in the Live Testing based on your documented, administered vaccines. TennIIS registry requires a minimum of 50 vaccine records during the testing stage. Please document all administered immunizations in your Patient Engagement Center and make sure to correct any tasks in the Outcomes portal on a timely basis. Testing requires 100% error-free messages.
Step 6: Production
When your pharmacy is approved to Go Live with the state registry for automated reporting, the Outcomes team will send you a confirmation email with your go-live date. Once your pharmacy is in production, you will no longer need to manually report vaccines on your state registry website.