Texas (ImmTrac2) Registry Enrollment HL7 Integration
Step 1: Registration
Please complete this step if you do not currently have an account with TX-ImmTrac2.
- Register for a ImmTrac2 Account HERE
- Responsible Medical Provider – Please have the Pharmacist in Charge in this section.
- Practicing Providers with Prescribing Authority – Please have the Pharmacist in Charge in this section.
- TX-ImmTrac2 will send the primary contact who registered for an account an email to log into TX-ImmTrac2. The registry will provide your 10-digit TX IIS ID or ORG ID. Keep the ID’s.
Step 2: Patient Consent for Texas-ImmTrac2
- Immtrac2 registry requires patients to sign a registry consent form to store patient and immunization data. Use the following link to access and provide your patients with the forms listed below: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/immtrac/forms.shtm
- The Immunization Registry -Minor Consent Form
- The Immunization Registry- Adult Consent Form
- The Immunization Registry- Withdrawal of Consent and Confirmation Form
- Properly file and document patient consent through your pharmacy management system and TX- ImmTrac2.
- For any registry related questions, please contact the Texas Immunization Registry at 800-348-9158 Option 3 or via email: immtracmu@dshs.texas.gov.
Step 3: Complete the Bi-Directional Registration of Intent form
Download, fill out, and sign the Bi-Directional Registration of Intent attached at the end of this document
- Input your TX IIS ID (10-digit number) or ORG ID in the document
- Please note: if you do not know your TX IIS ID, please reach out to TX-Immtrac2 Help Desk: https://immtrac.dshs.texas.gov/TXPRD/portalHeader.do
- Example of what the TX IIS ID Section will be:
Step 4: Login to Syntropi and complete a site renewal or register the location
Use the following link: https://enrolltexasiz.dshs.texas.gov/CRC/Site/emrlogin.asp
Step 5: The renewal/registration will be approved by the ImmTrac team. The pharmacy POC will then receive an email with the approval information.
Step 6: The pharmacy POC will need to initiate an email to the registry to have the bidirectional widget activated in Syntropi.
Step 7: Email the Bi-Directional Registration of Intent Form and request bidirectional Widget
To: immtracmu@dshs.texas.gov
cc: pwiisforms@outcomes.com
Subject line of email: SMP | <Pharmacy Name> | <TX IIS ID > | PrescribeWellness SMP | Bidirectional Registration of Intent Form | Request to Activate Bidirectional Widget in Syntropi
Attached to the email: Your Bi-Directional Registration of Intent Form
Body of Email:
Hi TX-ImmTrac2,
<Insert Pharmacy Name> authorizes approval to release our organization's data exchange credentials directly to PrescribeWellness at pwiisforms@outcomes.com. Attached is our Registration of Intent. Also, we have received approval for the renewal/registration of our location. Please activate the bidirectional widget in Syntropi.
Step 8: TX-ImmTrac2 Waiting Queue
Once Steps 1-7 have been completed, your location will move to the TX-ImmTrac2 Waiting
Step 9: Document Immunizations in TX-ImmTrac2 Portal and Outcomes Portal
Please continue to manually report immunizations to your state/local IIS portal and update any tasks in your Outcomes portal while our team works on the connection to the state registry.
Step 10: Complete Bidirectional Exchange ROI in Syntropi and Obtain Production Credentials
Please note that you need to complete the Bidirectional Exchange form in Syntropi to move forward. This is different than the physical form you previously completed. Please refer to the below answers for assistance with completing the EHR vendor questions on the Bidirectional Exchange form.
Step 11: Obtain Production Credentials in Syntropi
After completing the Bidirectional Exchange form in Syntropi, follow the steps below to obtain your production credentials.
- Go to the Provider Site then click on the Bidirectional Exchange ROI option.
- Complete the consent mode by selecting "HL7 Submission."
- Go to Connectivity and Transport.
- Click on "click to download" to view your credentials.
- Send your production credentials in an encrypted/secure email to nhamed@outcomes.com
- This step is critical to go live with immunization reporting.
Step 12: Final Integration Steps
The IIS team will send an email confirmation when your pharmacy location has been approved to go live to report to TX-ImmTrac2.