
Vermont (VHIE/VITL) Registry Enrollment HL7 Integration

Step 1: Complete Vermont Registry Enrollment Forms

Fill out all information pertaining to your pharmacy including the best contact for the pharmacy in the VHIE Agreement form

* Please note that VHIE will only onboard pharmacies that anticipate administering at least 400 vaccinations per year. If the vaccinations estimate is less than 400 administrations per year, the IMR may defer the pharmacy’s request due to low volume.

Step 2: Email Confirmation of Enrollment to Outcomes

Attach and email the enrollment forms to Outcomes at: with the following subject line: Pharmacy Name/Vaccinations/VHIE Enrollment Completed

The body of the email can include the pharmacy details and confirmation you have completed the VHIE enrollment steps above.

Step 3: Document Immunizations in VHIE and Outcomes Portal

Please continue to manually report immunizations to your state/local IIS portal and update any tasks in your Outcomes portal while our team works on the connection to the state registry.

At this time, our team will work with VHIE registry to set up the pharmacy’s credentials and connection feed.

Step 4: Final Steps

The IIS team will notify the pharmacy with a confirmation email once the pharmacy has been Approved for Production and is live to report to VHIE.