Virginia (VIIS) Registry Enrollment HL7 Integration
Step 1: Complete VA-VIIS Enrollment
If the pharmacy does not have a VERIP Account, please complete the enrollment with VA-VIIS using the following link:
Step 2: Complete the MOA and Send Confirmation
- Download and sign the MOA Agreement
- Send a completed copy of the attached MOA Agreement via email to with your pharmacy name, state, and contact information in the subject line.
- Send a completed copy of your MOA to VA-VIIS via fax at 804-864-8190
Step 3: Optional
Complete the COVID19 Vaccine Provider Intent Form if you would like to sign up for administering COVID19 vaccines.
Step 4: Document Vaccines in VIIS and Outcomes
Please continue to manually report immunizations to your state/local IIS portal and update any tasks in your Outcomes platform while our team works on the connection to the state registry.
Step 5: Production
When your pharmacy is approved to go live with the state registry for automated reporting, the IIS team will send you a confirmation email with your go-live date. Once your pharmacy is in production, you will no longer need to manually report vaccines on your state registry website.