
How to enroll your pharmacy with the Washington (WA-WAIIS) Registry

Step 1: Complete forms

Please fill out the below form and email the completed document to iisforms@prescribewellness.com with the following subject line: [Pharmacy Name] / Vaccinations Tool / Attached WA Agreement

  1. WAIIS Information Sharing Agreement

      Step 2: Document Immunizations

      • Please continue to report immunizations to WA-WAIIS and in the Vaccinations tool while PrescribeWellness works on your pharmacy’s integration.
        • Note: WA-WAIIS requires all administered immunizations to be documented and reported to the registry to pass the data testing stage.
      • If you need training on the PrescribeWellness Vaccinations tool, please visit PrescribeWellness Success Center and register for a live workshop.

      Step 3: Final Integration Steps

      WA Status Check

      • The Washington Registry will provide PrescribeWellness with testing credentials from One Healthport
      • Once credentials are received, your pharmacy will go into Active testing
      • WA-WAIIS will review the most recent vaccines and check to see that all required information has been submitted properly
      • After approval, WA-WAIIS will confirm that your pharmacy is ready for Production.