
How to register your pharmacy with the Wisconsin (WI-WIR) Registry

Step 1: Enrollment

To move forward with enrollment, your pharmacy will need to do mandatory training with the registry. To attend a free WIR training, please contact:

Step 2: Create a WILMS account and Complete Agreement Forms

  • Use the following link If you do not have a Wisconsin Logon Management System (WILMS)
    account: https://register.wisconsin.gov/AccountManagement/AccountCreationOverview.aspx
  • Complete and send the WIR Security & Confidentiality Agreements to PrescribeWellness
    SMP/Outcomes at pwiisforms@outcomes.com or eFax to (888) 790-0767

Step 3: Send an Email to Request PHREDS Access from WIR

Once the pharmacy has a Wisconsin Logon Management System (WILMS), use the following email template, and insert your pharmacy account info to request access to PHREDS: 

To: ehealth@wi.gov

cc: pwiisforms@outcomes.com

Subject: WILMS – PHREDS Access

Body of Email:


<Insert WILMS ID and WILMS username> is requesting for PHREDS Access.

Thank you 

Step 4: Expect an email from PHREDS

You will receive an email granting you access to the PHREDS within three business days. If you do not receive this email within three business days, send another email to ehealth@wi.gov. 

********* The Pharmacy will receive the following email from WI State **********

Thank you for enrolling with the Wisconsin Public Health Registration for Electronic Data
Submission System (PHREDS)! This email confirms your PHREDS enrollment.

Enrolling in PHREDS does not mean your organization is registered to submit data to the
Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). To register your organization, proceed to
the PHREDS SharePoint site at https://share.health.wisconsin.gov/ph/projects/phprogramregistration and follow the instructions within the Registration section of the site.

If you are having difficulty logging into PHREDS, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • In the login window, click on the second option “Use another account.” Enter your WILMS account name and password.
  • Log in using a different browser.
  • Add SharePoint to your Trusted Sites.
  • Repeated attempts to log in with an incorrect password will lock your account. To reset your password, go to: https://register.wisconsin.gov/AccountManagement/acctrecovery/EmailEntry.aspx
  • If you still cannot log in to the PHREDS site, email ehealth@wi.gov with the subject line "PHREDS Access"

Step 5: Send PHREDS confirmation email to Outcomes

Forward the PHREDS confirmation email from Wisconsin Public Health Registration for Electronic Data Submission System to PrescribeWellness SMP/Outcomes at pwiisforms@outcomes.com.

Step 6: Complete the Individual Provider Registration Form on PHREDS

Follow the steps to complete the Individual Provider Registration form.

  1. Log in to the PHREDS SharePoint site link provided in the confirmation email:
    https://share.health.wisconsin.gov/ph/projects/phprogramregistration. You will see the
    following image when logged into the portal:
  2. Click "Register Online." See screenshot for reference:
  3. If the pharmacy is "NEW” submit a New PHREDS Registration Form. If the pharmacy has an existing PHREDS Registration Form, modify the existing form.
  4. Click on "Submitted an Individual Provider Form, go to the Individual Provider Registration Form view in PHREDS.
  5. If the pharmacy already has an Individual Provider Registration form will appear below.

6. The Individual Provider Registration will look like the following attached screenshot. Review the form and enter in specified fields accordingly:

Step 7: Document Vaccines in WIR and Outcomes Portal

Please continue to report immunizations to WIR and update any tasks in your Outcomes portal while our team works on the connection to the state registry.

Step 8: WIR Requires a Testing Phase

The Outcomes IIS team will assist in the Live Testing based on your documented, administered vaccines. WIR requires to test at least one vaccine record from each vaccine type administered at the pharmacy. Please make sure to update any tasks in your Outcomes portal. Testing requires 100% error-free messages.

Step 9: Production

Once your pharmacy is in production, the IIS team will send you a confirmation email with your go-live date to report vaccines electronically to WIR.